Will eventually end up in my house freaking out my husband.
For the first year we lived in Orono I spent a considerable amount of time in antique shops, (this town has more than it's fair share). It's sort of like the Mandarin, but with other peoples stuff instead of bean salad and sushi.
After the first year it slowed a bit. Our house was filling up and the thrill of finding hidden treasures had worn off. I was having a second hand hangover.
I would find myself laying on the couch, surrounded by piles of random (sometimes weird) "treasures", in a full blown shame spiral. So, I took a break. I purged a lot of the "ohmygodthisissobizarreiloveit" items, and decided to make a conscious effort to be more juried re. what comes into my home.
These gems made the cut...
This amazing doctors bag...
I found these Ken and Barbie go Western doll set, and I was super stoked.
I gave them to the kids and said "I am just going to grab my camera, hang on"
(the boxes being my favourite part).
The minute I left the room they ripped open the packages like it was their job.
A rather odd choice of attire for a cowgirl (and she looks heavily medicated), but no judging here.
Ken had obviously spent too long in his box, soon after emerging his pants basically exploded black flecks of paint everywhere.
Shep was not impressed and soon went back monster truck smash up.
"Ken, I am your father"...
I saved my favourite for last.
Finding Ziploc bags filled with these gems made my week.
I had no idea what they were, but others informed me of felt boards and Sunday school lessons. The nuns we hung out with wore knee length skirts and played acoustic guitar, I have no memory of this level of felty Holiness.
Not sure what craftacular awesomness is going to happen, but this is gold.
(And the best 10 bucks I ever spent - no regrets)!