Monday, August 8, 2011

Material Girl...

I have been collecting material without purpose for years. I have baskets and cupboards filled to overflow with new, old, vintage table cloths and bedding, felt and cotton. I make sure I have all the colours of the rainbow covered (again, without purpose but just in case). I am not a quilter, nor do I plan to be. Quite simply I like it, and figured someday I would find a use for this hoard. 
Some of you may be familiar with my art (I sell posters online in my Etsy store), and work in advertising as an illustrator when I can find five free minutes away from the tiny dictators. I primarily draw in pen and ink, and then finish up on the computer - which is great - but lately I have been wanting to add a bit of depth to my work. 
Joining a weekly stitch-n-bitch gave me the idea of skipping the computer ending and taking the sketches straight to a canvas. Some pics of pieces completed so far, along with samples of my usual work.

I started with a piece for my husband. He is shooting a documentary this year about birding and punk rock. A little something to commemorate it.

Big fan of pirates, especially girl pirates.

My organized(ish) work station for sewing. 

Two completed, many more to come. By mid fall I hope to have made a considerable dent in my stash and perhaps a new line of art for sale.
g'night peeps xo


  1. Rachel, my life is better for knowing you.

  2. that is a truly lovely thing to say - thankyou! xo
